Janne Kyttanen


Sofa So Good took 5 weeks of continuous 3D printing, making it arguably the most time consuming stereolithography 3D print ever executed. Pushing the envelope of large 3D prints and showing the end of life of existing tech. It also proved how inefficient Stereolithography was when creating such structures.

The sofa consists of just 2.5 liters of resin and is able to withstand 100 kg of pressure, which paves the way for tremendous amount of industrial applications where generative design and optimization has a bright future.

Chuck Hall invented Stereolithography process in the mid 80’s. Polymerizing resin with UV light and building 3D objects from it, is a fascinating discovery. However, ever since we are now also able to do that on full layers in a continuous fashion rather that using thin laser beams scanning structures one at a time.